Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Period 4 Comment here on Area Graph


  1. I think that the southern colonies had more space than the northern colonies because they had more space in the south and less colonies to divide the space into. For example in the north they divided the land into many difrent colonies and in the south they only had a few colonies.

  2. I believe that the southern colonies had so much more area because there weren’t as many groups of people. For example there were so many different tribes and city-states. In conclusion this is why I think that there was more area in southern states.

  3. I think that the low colonies are larger because there are more farms and plantations. In the Northern colonies not as many people have large palntations. In the Southern colonies they have huge plantations for growing cotton,tobacco,etc. Also the weather down there is excellent for growing all of these crops.

  4. I think that the Southern colonies had more area than the Northern colonies becausethey had better soil for farming. I also think that there was also less Native Americans in the South than the North. Another reason maybe that the southern colonies were settled near or after the Native Americans had been destroyed.


  5. The southern colonies have more area than the northern colonies because they probably had seen much more room in the southern part of America. The northern colonies seemed smaller. The travelers saw much more, useful, room that could’ve been used to grow crops and such. That’s most likely why the northern colonies are smaller than the southern colonies.

  6. The southern colonies had more area because not a lot of groups of people traveled down south so there is more land to take over. The northern colonies didn’t have more area because more groups traveled north so there were more people to share the land with. This is why there was more area in the southern colonies.

  7. I think the northern areas had less land because there weren’t many farms. In the southern areas there is more land because there are more farms like cotton farms. Plus it is warmer in the south so they could farm more.

  8. I think southern colonies have more area because there were more people living in the southern colonies than the northern colonies because if there is more people, that means there should be more space for them. Also, the settlers did not know there was that much land. The settlers actually started coming from the north and that is where they started making their own small colonies.

  9. I think the Southern states had more area because the states are bigger. The states in the north are small but there are more of them. The states in the south also had much more people because it was where the first colony was. The states in the south had more people because that is where people first came and where they came back to. They also didn’t know about the north until much later. In the North a lot more people reformed and moved. Then they gave they large area they moved to a name then it became a colony.
    Period 4

  10. I think southern colonies have more area because there were more people living in the southern colonies than the northern colonies because if there is more people, that means there should be more space for them. Also, the settlers did not know there was that much land. The settlers actually started coming from the north and that is where they started making their own small colonies.

  11. In my opinion, the southern colonies are bigger than the northern colonies because the first settlers settled in the southern area, and then later some people traveled up north and they discovered more land.

  12. I think the southern colonies had more land the northern colonies for many reasons. One reason is that there were probably more people who settled in the north then the south. This may have been because there may have been more places for ships to come in toward the south instead on the north, so they would have to have more land. Another reason is that the Indians were occupying the north. Therefore they would not let the people from the south take it away from them. Also there were less Indians then the people that settled in the south. So in conclusion they would have less land because there were less of them. These are my reasons why the south has more area then the north.

  13. The Southern colonies were a lot hotter because they were closer to the equator. I think that the southern colonies had more area then the Northern colonies because less of the thirteen original colonies were in the Southern Colonies. Also there were more tribes in the Northern area so they had to split the land between more people. That is pretty much all I can think of right now. Also a lot of people lived in the North because of the heat so the people that did live in the South had a lot of land.

  14. I think that the southern colonies had a larger sq. mile area because the states are a lot larger. I also think this because if you look at a map the southern colonies take much more space. The northern states are all smaller if you look on a map as well. I believe that the southern colonies are larger because maybe there was a war between the Indians and the pilgrims.

  15. I think that the southern colonies have more area for many reasons. There was more space in the south because they didn’t know there was more land beyound that. I think this because There was only thirteen colonies and today there are fifty states in the United States. Also, because their was a greater population in the south.Latsly because they cane first because it was closest to the water. This is why I think the southern colonies are bigger than the northern ones.

  16. I believe that the southern colonies had a much larger area because at first, the settlers didn’t know that there was so much land. The settlers came from the north and started by making small colonies on the coast, as they began to explore more of the land to the south they realized that there was much more land than they originally thought and they decided that they would make some larger colonies instead of hundreds of smaller ones. This is why the states that are farther to the south and west have the larger area.

  17. In my opinion, the southern colonies had so much more area because they had more fields, and plantations. The south is warmer then the North, therefore it had more fields, and plantations. This caused more food which caused more people so then they needed more area to fit all of the people too. The southern colonies had more area but most of the space they had was filled with fields, but the North wasn’t as much fields and open space for farming because there weren’t as many crops being grown. In conclusion, I think the southern colonies had so much mo0er space because they had more plantations and farms, so they needed the space.


  18. The southern colonies had much more area then the northern colonies. One reason this might be is because people move there because of the large population. Once people start to move there the states grow and become larger. Secondly, up north there are a lot of mountains. People back then needed flat, open land to grow crops. They also needed nice rich soil with lots of warm weather. Once everyone knew about the great farming conditions people started to move there and making the land a town. Lastly, the southern colonies might have been discovered and the northern colonies might have been discovered last. This is my hypothesis to why the southern colonies had more area then the northern colonies.

  19. I think the northern colonies have less land than the southern colonies for lots of reasons. One reason could be the northern colonies are occupied by the Indians so the colonists do not have as much land. Also the southern colonies had more people coming to them so they acquired more land. Another reason may be that the northern colonies had more wars so they lost some land to the Indians. There are many reasons the south could have been bigger than the north.

  20. The south had much more states in the south. Due to that fact you have more to add. Not to mention that Jamestown, one of the biggest settlements was in the south, and contained a lot of people .This needed a lot of land to run the settlement. There was also better weather in the south which attracted people down there to force the south expand in area.
    C ''SAU''- Connor

  21. I think that the southern colonies have more area than the northern colonies because there is more space for people to populate the state. I think this because the southern states are bigger than the northern states. If the states are bigger than there is more room for people. I think the southern colonies have more area also because it is warmer than the northern colonies. This caused more people to go to the southern states because of the warm weather.

  22. This graph shows that the southern colonies have more land than the Northern colonies. I think this is because the northern colonies are all closer together while the southern colonies have more open space.

    gin gin

  23. I think that the northern colonies have a smaller area than the southern colonies because of the time that they were discovered. North Carolina is the biggest because it was probably discovered first. And Rhode Island was last. I also think that the southern states were bigger because the people who discovered it thought that a lot of people would come. That is why I think that the northern colonies are smaller that the southern colonies.


  24. In 1650 there was only 8 states. As the Americas became more, and more popular More people started to come. Then you notice that the states got bigger. Next more states started to appear. By the time 1750 came along there were 13 colonies, and each one had a lot of more people living there, compared to 1650

  25. I think that the south is bigger then the north because the states are bigger. They probably used the states more because it had more uses then north and it was warmer so they made it bigger. It probably was changed over time.

    Joe smo
